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An NIH Genetics Study Targets a Long-Standing Challenge: Diversity

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In his 2015 State of the Union address, President Barack Obama announced a precision medicine initiative that would later be known as the All of Us program. The research, now well underway at the National Institutes of 国产精品视频, aims to analyze the DNA of at least 1 million people across the United States to build a diverse health database. The key word there is 鈥渄iverse.鈥 So […]

Tire Toxicity Faces Fresh Scrutiny After Salmon Die-Offs

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Tires emit huge volumes of particles and chemicals as they roll along the highway, and researchers are only beginning to understand the threat. One byproduct of tire use, 6PPD-q, is in regulators鈥 crosshairs after it was found to be killing fish.